Tuesday, April 15, 2014


My mother had Twin cousins that went through experiments by Mengele.  Whenever she found remains of food in the garment pockets she threw it to her cousins. One day she went with a friend next to the ‘Twin Barracks’ and threw them an apple; The Germans caught them, as a punishment, the two young women had to kneel with stones under their knees for a whole rainy night next to the electric fence. My Mother told me: “During that night, we were cold and wet and our knees were hurting because of the stones, we said to each other it would be so easy to finish our suffering only by touching the wet electric fence… but power of life was stronger, we wanted to believe in a better future”. The hope in a better future and the belief of one day living a normal life again, kept them alive in an unbelievable situation. Apples were a gift of love. My mother threw apples to her cousins; she wanted them to be stronger, but they didn’t survive the experiments… / One of the men liked my mother, he couldn’t speak with her, but he wanted her to know his feelings, so he threw her an apple through the fence. Having an apple in the camp where people were always hungry, and giving it away to somebody else was indeed a big gesture.

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